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Garden Pest Control

Pest control is a fact of life in the garden, and we have many cunning ways to help you scare off these unwelcome visitors, including deterrents, biological controls and traps.

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Garden pests can be frustrating, as no-one wants to find that a whole row of young plants has disappeared overnight due to pests! That’s why it's a good idea to encourage natural predators such as beneficial insects, hedgehogs, frogs and toads but sometimes gardeners need a little extra help.

Which garden pests are eating my plants?

Different pests cause damage in different ways. Slugs will eat small to medium-sized holes in the middle of leaves, cabbage white butterfly caterpillars eat big holes in leaves of different plants and aphids and other insects will suck sap and generally destroy garden plants.

What Types of Pest Control Are There?

In general, there are 3 groupings of garden pest control:

Organic Controls - These include companion planting, hand-picking pests from plants, crop rotation and good garden hygiene such as removing debris under which pests will hide and multiply. To find out more shop our companion planting seed and plant ranges.

Chemical Controls - These have been greatly reduced and need to be used with care having first carefully read the instructions.

Biological Controls - This popular and effective form of garden pest control involves the deliberate introduction of the pest's natural predator. It works best in a controlled environment, such as a greenhouse.
